The Most Frequently Asked Questions for Internet Week Denmark

What's the best way to stay up to date with Internet Week Denmark?

Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Twitter @internetweekdk, Instagram @internetweekdk, LinkedIn and like us on Facebook to be the first to get news on events, speakers, partners, and much more.

How do I get involved?

You can get involved on different levels: By becoming our partner, an event organizer, a volunteer, and by participating in any of the many great events during the festival.

Event Participants

How do I register for events?

Anyone can attend an event by registering on the specific event page. We open for registration in April.

Does it cost anything to attend?

Most of the events during Internet Week Denmark are free of charge. However, some events will have an attending fee. If so, it will appear on the event page.

Where are the events located?

Internet Week Denmark is a crowdsourced festival, which means everyone can contribute with an event. The charm about this is that there are events in and around Aarhus. The specific address for each event will appear on the event page.

Alongside the many crowdsourced events, there is an official program that consists of the events Internet Week Denmark organizes. These events will appear in the event schedule alongside all the other events and will take place at Aarhus City Hall and Ridehuset.

You register for events on the specific event page. Have a look at the program here.

How do I see the events I signed up for?

By creating an account, you are able to see your list of events as well as see who is registered for the events. As an Event Organizer you're able to use your login and password to go back into your event listing and edit it.

Event Organizers

Who can submit an event?

Anyone — whether an established company, startup, organization, agency, public institution, or individual — can submit an event as an official Event Organizer of Internet Week Denmark. However, the event must remain within the official framework of the six tracks: Media, Citizenship, Business, Leadership, Creative and Technology. For more information on how to plan a successful event, have a look at our Event Guide.

When can I submit my event to the website?

You can submit an event on our website already now. There is no deadline for submitting your event but the sooner you do, the more publicity it will get, and hopefully the more likely it is to be full.

What does it cost to host an event?

There are no fees associated with becoming an event organizer other than the costs related to planning and hosting your event. In order to meet any economic challenges, we suggest that you find someone to collaborate with. In that way you can split the expenses for speakers, location, catering, etc. For more information, see the Event Guide.

Can I get financial support for our event?

Internet Week Denmark do not give financial support to any events besides a few official ones. Although we do not offer financial support, we offer an umbrella branding solutions, which will help you to promote your event. In 2014 we experienced a considerable media attention plus activity on social media and we expect even more before, during and after this year’s festival. By planning an event during Internet Week Denmark we hope for you to reach a new and broader audience.

How do I promote my event?

All registered events in the program will appear on our website and other marketing activities promoting the program. But there are lots of things you can do to promote your event as well - the more we all talk about Internet Week Denmark, the more people will participate! We encourage you to use our hashtag #IWDK to participate in the conversation already going on both on Twitter and Instagram.

Furthermore, you are able to use our official logos in your marketing and public relations efforts. Find them here or contact us on info@internetweekdenmark.com.

What kinds of events happen during Internet Week Denmark?

Internet Week Denmark will include everything from industry specific events to those centered around business, arts and culture, entertainment, startups, and more as long as they are compliant with our six tracks: Media, Citizenship, Business, Leadership, Creative and Technology. Last year’s events included conferences, parties, breakfasts, hackathons, lunches, panels, keynotes, launches, awards show and more.

What if I want to make an event, but don’t have a location?

Internet Week Denmark will facilitate two locations in Aarhus: City Hall and Ridehuset, so feel free to contact us as there might be room for your event there. Contact us at info@internetweekdenmark.com.


How do I become a partner?

We are always looking for partners to collaborate with to make Internet Week Denmark even better. If you are interested, please contact us at info@internetweekdenmark.com.


Why do I have to sign in on the website to register for events?

By creating an account, you are able to see your list of events as well as see who is registered for the events. As an Event Organizer you're able to use your login and password to go back into your event listing and edit it.

What about my privacy?

Internet Week Denmark doesn't sell or share your personal information. If you sign up for event updates, we do allow our partners to provide you with news and special offers. However, we do not share your personal information with our partners and maintain control of your information at all times. If at any time you choose not to receive such notifications, you may unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of the newsletter. Internet Week Denmark may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales, traffic patterns, and related site information for our partners, but these statistics include no personally identifying information. Please read about our priva

cy if having any doubts.

How can I provide feedback for Internet Week Denmark?

We want to hear your thoughts and ideas. Internet Week Denmark is all about collaboration so please reach out and share your comments. Please contact us at info@internetweekdenmark.com.

Everything else

If I have a question, that I didn’t get answered here, who can I contact?
We are always here to help you, so do not hesitate to reach out to us on info@internetweekdenmark.com.