Welcome to the third annual


May 9 - 13, 2016

Some of the Speakers

Leila Janah

Leila Janah is the founder and CEO of Sama Group, Co-Founder and CEO of Laxmi, and an award-winning social entrepreneur. Her work focuses on bringing living-wage jobs to poor women and youth to reduce poverty and build better communities.

David Helgason

Founder of Unity Technologies. A restless entrepreneur with a passion for creating feedback loops between innovation and teams and revenue streams, applying new and old business models to changing industries, and pushing people to do the very best they can do.

Bas Boorsma

Currently serves as the director Internet of Everything for the Northern European region at Cisco. In that capacity he leads a series of city engagements, leading the way on Internet of Things related innovations for, with and in cities.

Alissa Chisholm

Urban Research Analyst working at Sidewalk Labs - a new type of company that works with cities to build products addressing big urban problems in NYC, USA.

Anne Glad

Forbrugerekspert på reklame- og vidensbureauet envision. Uddannet cand. mag. i Nordisk og Film- & medievidenskab. Hun har de seneste 18 år arbejdet i reklamebranchen med kampagneudvikling, strategi og forbrugerindsigter. Medvirker bl.a. i DR1-programmet Kender du typen? og holder foredrag for danske virksomheder.

Alan Cooper

Alan Cooper is an acclaimed author of several books on interaction design, widely recognized as the “Father of Visual Basic” and the inventor of personas as a practical design tool. Cooper have worked with global superbrands such as Disney, Adobe, Samsung, Intel, PwC, Microsoft, and Boeing.
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Internet Week Denmark was founded by the City of Aarhus, the Digital Agency Creuna, and Business Region Aarhus. Each year we welcome new partners for the festival.

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