
How to rethink a concert venue with technology.

Yesterday, at Radar, three groups challenged themselves to think the best idea for a better experience for the audience in a concert venue. For the Aarhus European Capital of Culture 2017 project, many cultural places rethink how to create a better place in order to let the audience be an active part in a cultural exhibition, such as musems, concert venues or galleries.

That is what Radar did with RETHINK_Radar,a project for re-inventing the place for the audience before, during and after a concert. To reach this goal,they organized varied workshops, called #venuehack, in which people from different backgrounds decide to create new ideas. Radar is a concert venue for underground, alternative and avant garde music, close to Godsbanen. It was founded on 2011 and has 105 concerts per year.

The aim of this #venuehack was to give Radar some ideas for helping the audience be an active part during the venue, using different technologies. All the projects were all interesting and innovative. The ideas were about the control of lights, collective composition of a song and visual representation of the concert.The winner group was the one who thought the idea of the control of the lights. The title of the this idea is called Lightwar.

Since I was one of the participants, I was an integral part of the #venuehack. This event was definetely fun and was more than a hackaton. It was a nice afternoon to spend with your friends talking about concerts, audience and fans.

This article was written based on the event: #Venuehack: Tech