Claus Methmann Christensen

CEO and Co-founder at Clearhaus

Claus Methmann Christensen

Claus is the CEO and co-founder of Aarhus-based FinTech company, Clearhaus. He focuses on reducing friction in online payments.

He has an M.Sc. in Informatics and has been working with internet technologies and digitalisation since the 90’s. Claus started specialising in online payments in the mid 00’s; gaining work experience at companies like Conscius Finance, NemID and Nets.

His deep understanding of the online payment industry has given him the tools to take Clearhaus from being a small startup to being a competitive player in the merchant acquiring space. Today Clearhaus is 40+ people strong and has captured 20% of the Danish market in the short timespan of just 3 years.

Claus er co-founder og medejer af fintechvirkomheden Clearhaus. Her er han med til at reducere friktion inden for online betalinger.

Claus har siden 90’erne beskæftiget sig med internettet og digitalisering, hvor især online betalinger fangede hans interesse. Siden midten af 00’erne har han derfor specialiseret sig indenfor netop dette område.


Claus er uddannet cand.scient. i informatik, men har siden han var helt ung drevet egen virksomhed. Han har desuden været ansat hos både Conscius Finance, NemID og Nets, hvilket har givet ham god erfaring og viden inden for betalingsindustrien.