Trend Event in collaboration with the Headstart Network

Headstart has invited three leading agencies of Aarhus to share their take on what is cooking within digital products, services, and marketing.

Today, digital is not limited to a single department of an organization, or even to a gadget on the coffee table. Digital is almost a part of everything we do. It is therefore necessary and above all interesting to be updated with the aspects and different areas of digitalization.

From each of their individual areas of expertise, the three speakers aim to inform and demonstrate the different trends we should know and work with right now.


Troels Nørlem, Director, Designit
“Strategy - A Strategic Take on Future Customer Experiences”

Hannu Vangsgaard, Chief Digital Officer, Envision
“From Campaign-driven Push to “Always On” Marketing”

Kristoffer Okkels, Business Development Director, Creuna
“Digital Business Models in the Age of the Customer”

General Information

Registration: You need to sign up at the Headstart Network - it only takes 1 minute.
When: March 3 from 08.00 - 10.00
Price: Free (no-show fee DKK 250.-)

If you are prevented from attending the event, you must unregister by writing Camilla at by March 1, 2016. There will be a no-show fee at DKK 250 if you don’t.