The website is alive!

When you browse the events or read the news on, things keep changing. Not only from visit to visit - but also when you were in the middle of something. A Meteor and a team of frontiers is the reason for that.

Internet Week Denmark is about the many changes the digitizing technologies are imposing on people, businesses and society. And the many opportunities, opening to the ones ready to 'harness change'.
One of the local businesses working with this mindset is Nordic Digital Agency Creuna, who's heavily involved in the development of our website. When they joined Internet Week Denmark and volunteered to build the website, we decided to make it live and breath digital change - we wanted to explore the newest design trends and technologies for a crowdsourced event platform.

Join us!

We are many people involved in the ideation, development, using and testing of the website and we will keep innovating and relasing new features (with full transparency of course) in the coming days, weeks and months (2016 is just around the corner). We invite everyone interested in the future of digital platforms and web communication to join our project with ideas, input and of course bug reports. You can tweet directly to @IWDK_Developer or contact us via email.

Tweet @IWDK_Developer

Why always 'in beta'?

Today most of us understand, the word beta as not only pronouncing a Greek letter, but as something not completely done, and we appreciate that this is one of the major changes to innovation, product development and selling. Today, we are able to launch (and even sell) products to audiences actually willing to be part of an active user group rather than passive customers. Driving a car, you would like to know that the product is proven and tested to meet your needs for stability and security - but many Tesla drivers also liked it, when a software update made the car accelarate even faster. Today more and more consumers actually expect to be treated as users - we evaluate products on their quality while using them (reading about other users' experiences) and the producers ability to keep updates flowing to improve the product value. More, than we actually expect the product to be completely perfect at purchase time (just consider Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms, where you buy before the product is even made).

This site is in beta

This website is built on the realtime web framework Meteor, the content editor and 23 Video. It gives us a few headaches, because we've gotten used to the traditional CMS style websites (yes, time flies), but it allows us to update the website without our users having to reload their browser and even do realtime interaction with users online now (there are also a bunch of cool innovations for the developer of course, go meet Jakob from Creuna at this event to learn more).

Writing this post IWDK has more than 900 active users hosting and attending more than 80 events. That's more than 2000 hours of crowdsourced IWDK in 5 days in June!

All of our users and website visitors will experience that the site changes instantly while they read an event description or this news article - because we're alive and in beta. Instead of trying to hide our mistakes and suggest that our website is perfect, we hope for your collaboration and feedback on how to improve stuff or fix bugs - and we will make sure the site evolves with the festival to facilitate the needs of our entire crowd, attendees and organizers alike. Hit the pink button below, to see what's going on right now.

Work in progress