Programmatic:the future of online advertisement

The future challenges for programmatic

In Ridehuset, this morning, there was the event about programmatic, which is a new process for online advertisement. There were different speakers who told us their experience and how it is crucial for companies to grow. The purpose of this article is to explain the future implications of programmatic.

According to all speakers, the future of the advertising, is based on programmatic. For some, this process will also be extended to TV and radio. According to Rasmus Friis, the digital account manager in Carat, the future challenges will regard to let know the programmatic approach to the companies and its full potentialities. The reasons are manifold: the chance to aim to a specific target, the limited cost for the businesses and the lesser waste of time.

The meeting was interesting and the talkers gave a lot of explanations about the implications of the use of this appraoch. Even though there were different companies and different approaches, I noticed all the speakers gave a common point of view regarding the future of programmatic. There were many cases studies that helped the audience to understand how programmatic works in a real world companies environment.

My concern about this topic regards the security of the data of the users. The speakers talked about how programmatic is looking to the audience rather than the websites. The collection of the data, which often is sensitive, is based on cookies and login ID. I am worry how the data could be used in a wrong way and how the consumers can “protect” themselves from the advertisement. Since this process is new, I think we need to ask questions about this aspect now, in order to create a programmatic that is also consumers’ security, for the future.