Nominate Your Candidate for the Internet Pioneer Awards

The Internet Pioneer Awards celebrate Danes, or people living in Denmark, who have made a difference online. The awards are given to pioneers whose ideas have improved or promoted the use of the internet in significant ways.

This festive evening is taking place Wednesday evening, May 11 during the festival, but before we can celebrate the Internet Pioneer Awards, we need some nominees.

The nominated can be anyone whose ideas have improved or promoted the use of the internet - we are actually looking at achievements that go as far back as 20 years, so please do not limit your candidates to recent years. In order to evaluate the nominees, we need a few details about each of them:

  • Name of person or company / organisation including a link to a relevant page that tells us more about the nominee.
  • A category (choose between Technology, Services and Solutions, and Rethink)
  • A reason for the nomination
  • A picture of the nominee (if you have it)
  • Your name and email

Nominate your candidate here!

Since we are willing to look back 20 years, some of the services or companies may have changed – please make a note of this in your nomination.


    A technological breakthrough that has had an impact on the usefulness and thereby use of the Internet.
    The winner last year was Poul Henning-Kamp, who received the prize for making SIGNIFICANT contributions to the FreeBSD project being the Maker of Varnish (which killed Squid), and because he has impacted many Danish politicians to start understanding IT.
    An application or service that has led to the spread of Internet use. The winner of this prize last year was Jørgen Balle Olsen, founder of He made the Danes buy books online and continues to find ways of modernizing the book business online. Saxo basically owns the online sales of books (85%). they've also introduced saxo publish and saxo read and they're highly engaged in the startup community and exponential technology.
    An idea that has led to the Internet being used for non-commercial purposes within the fields of sustainability, democracy, citizenship or diversity. Last year Anni Marquard received the prize for her creating Cyberhus, an online club for children and young people in need of guidance and network. Anni has made use of the internet to help young people for more than a decade, beginning in 2002, where she took the initiative to add web-based counseling at Børns Vilkår.


The Internet Pioneer Awards will be handed out on Wednesday evening, May 11. Read more about the ceremony and sign up to attend on the event page.