Meet our volunteers

We´ve set our team and this week we got to meet all of our talented and ambitious volunteers to an afternoon of workshops, networking, and fun. Please receive them well, as you meet them during Internet Week Denmark.

We are so happy to welcome +30 volunteers to the IWDK team this year.
The volunteers consist of exchange students from some of the best institutions and educations in town. But we also have entrepreneurs, techies, web and graphic designers on the team.

The volunteers are split into two groups:

The volunteers in the Guide team assist us at the events, mostly at Aarhus City Hall and Ridehuset, to welcome people, register participants, guide people in the right direction and such. They are all outgoing, practically oriented and preparede to create the right festival atmosphere.

The volunteers in the guide team co cover selected events, interview attendees and hosts, and report from the festival in general. The content will be distributed throughout IWDK’s platforms, such as website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and daily newsletters. The team consists of skilled communicators of an outgoing nature and are confident in speaking to all types of people.
To this we add the Visual Reporters. We have been blessed with talentede people within photography, video production and graphic design.

Before being let loose into the festival, all volunteers have attended a workshop at IWDK HQ. Here they were briefed on not only the concept of Internet Week Denmark but also the do´s and don´ts of livetweeting and the role of hosting.