Join Our Team of Volunteers

We need a great team of volunteers to help create a successful festival for everyone involved. We are looking for three types of volunteers: Festival Guides, Festival Journalists and Visual Reporters. Apply now!

6 reasons to join the team

By becoming a part of the Internet Week Denmark team, there are many benefits:

  1. Networking opportunities both professionally and socially
  2. Hands on experience and an official statement from Internet Week Denmark for your resume
  3. Participation in the official opening
  4. Free meals during working hours
  5. A party during the festival with ticket for our bar
  6. An opportunity to learn more about something we all are passionate about – the internet

Last year we had a great team of 45 volunteers to help us during the week and we would like to assemble such a team again this year.

Read more and apply here

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If you have any questions please send an email to Marie Dam at