Grow Your Social Media Influence

Four events, five speakers and more than 200 social media enthusiasts and experts were gathered today in celebration of social media and Internet Week Denmark. The event took place in Ridehuset and paid particular attention to digital business development and social media. Here is a sneak peek of the highlights from all the speakers in regards to the new trends in social media.

The day kicked off with a Headstart seminar about the strategic use of social media in business. The workshop was followed by a presentation of the FFW's Cheif Digital Strategy Officer Gus Murray. The former Social Media Week speaker delivered exciting insights on one of the trendy buzz words that we hear about these days, namely Data Driven Marketing.

'Moving from numbers keeping scores to numbers driving actions.'

Gus Murray revealed the importance of using the data received thourgh social platforms, digital platforms and even things like the weather. Analysing this data helps businesses better customize the experiences that their customers get online. Data Driven Marketing allows brands to be much more specific and relevant when targetting people.

The day continued with a presentation about scalable and sustainable social media marketing by Katrine Naustdal from Komfo and Jacob Mouritzen from Mindshare.

'Relevance is the key to success.'

Katrine Naustdal and Jacob Mouritzen pointed out the importance for organizations to have a clear strategy. Strategy that should be targeted, and most important- content that should be fitted and build particularly for this target.

The stage was further blown by Fraser Doherty- The Jam Boy. The 26-year-old entrepreneur and founder of Super Jam talked about how to get customers through social media and crowdfunding.

'There is a similarity between superman and superjam.'

Fraser Doherty shared his inspiring story of becoming an entrepreneur and all the challenges that he had encountered since then. He further explained how social media and the web have influenced a traditional business such as a jam company.

Last but not least Steven Singh, CEO of Inspirio, took the visitors of Social Media Day on a journey on how digital is transforming business value chain.

'The digital technology has influenced how companies work.'

Inspirio views social media as a place where relationships are built and collaborations are made. This takes social medial beyond just the digital campaigns.

Five speakers with different backgrounds and expertise were brough together with one purpose- TO INSPIRE.