Elegance, e-commerce and easy

Dansk Erhverv put focus on the Danes increasing shopping online. In 2014, Danes were spending around 80 mio dkr. on e-shopping. This amount is only increasing. Dansk Erhverv invited 3 speakers to present E-commerce from the angles; the sociologic, the practical and the theoretical.


The elegant side of e-commerce was presented by Consumer Expert Anne Glad from Envision who reminded the audience of, what the customers want. It was quite simple. Customers want, what they always wanted; Service, Nice Offers, Experiences and Fulfilled their needs. Companies should go back and retrieve their business acument. Studies showed, that 63 % of the users could actually feel their heart rhytm raise, when thinking of good service. 53 % of the tested customers were getting the same feeling, as being loved, when they received good service. So, start making customers feel loved.


The practical angle of e-commerce was presented by E-commerce Manager Josephine Hagger from Stof & Stil. They connect their online shop with their offline stores by creating newsletters, which are planned 6 months ahead. Josephine Hagger has a list of tips to how to get started:


- Start small – but create a success
- Set the ambitions high
- Do not compromise with the quality
- Create value for customer and the shop
- Look at your numbers and take action
- Get approval by the management
- Communication is key


Rasmus Houlind from Omnichannelmarketing made E-commerce seem easy. He wrote a book called ”Hvis det handler om mig, så køber jeg” (Red.: If it is about me, I'll buy). In this book, he explains how your company can start using omnichannel marketing. Omnichannel marketing or multichannel marketing is when you combine more channels (eg TV, internet, advertising or even physical stores) to guide the customers to buy. It is a new and extented way of attracting customers to your shop.

E-commerce – easy, elegant and maybe everlasting