Digital learning - why is it important?

Maybe you are a teacher? Maybe your are a tech researchers? Maybe you are a parent? Either way the events focused on digital learning are sure to pique your interests.

First a few choice words on the why we even talk about digital learning, from one of our attendees at Internet Week Denmark. Meet Mathias Poulsen, creator of Counterplay

So where do we go?

We have a wealth of events with focus on how we secure the next generation of Danes are in control of the digital evolution rather than victims of it.

  • How do you as en educator use digital tools as an active co-player in your work?
  • Follow a group of 5. graders as they learn to use and adapt technologies to make art in The Living Lab
  • Have a go at different mathematical games and learning tools. How good is your own digital literacy?
  • Debate on how and why we should take control of the technological development and ensure through digital learning how we make the future, not just follow it.
  • It is simpler than you think to use webbased tools in your education. VIA College University shows you how.
  • We also ask the question: what can we learn from robots?
  • Finally a workshop on SCRATCH - a tool for teaching programming to children of all ages