App'solute Social Media - stories from a smartphone

If you think you are a Social Media expert, then you can test yourself down below. How many of these app's do you know and use. By name dropping a list of useful app's, Annegrete Skovbjerg from Danmarks Journalist Højskole (DJMX) showed the audience, that Social Media is more than just a few posts or tweets. She extended the Social Media world.

Time has changed. Users have switched from scrolling down posts till swiping between platforms. What does that mean?! It simply means that the users want to be entertained and have a great story. They do not want to be bored with regular advertising and irrelevant posts. They want content and they want stories.

”The reader does not scan with their eyes – they feel the story.”

Users want to be able to get the total picture of the story. Several app's are made to meet these requirements. The list is long, however, the effects are worth the effort. If a story is started as a bunch of photos, it can be continued with a video or infographic. The beauty is, the story can be made on the fly.

It is not time consuming. In fact, while Annegrete Skovbjerg was changing between the slides and showing an app live, the app Thinklink was installed and used for the first time. As the users do not have much patience to read the story, the makers do not have much patience for creating it either.

If you have the ground material; photos, videos and audios ready – you just mix them. A good advice is to plan forehand which purpose the video is going to fulfill. The app's might use different formats. For instance, SnapChat is created for portrait format, whereas most video programs are shooting in horisontal formats.

Here comes the name dropping list, which you probably were waiting for.

App's for news

Periscope – best way to share live broadcast from your mobile phone
Circa – personal news wire delivering the most important stories, the minute they happen and enable you to follow those, which matters to you.
AJPlus – news for the connect generation, sharing human struggles and challenging the status quo

App for sound

Soundcloud – everything with sounds, audio

App's for videos

Cinema FV-5, Android – professional video and camera for mobile devices
Filmic pro, IOS -
iMovie, IOS – movie editting program
Kinemaster, Android – easy and intuitive way to edit your videos
Panorama, IOS (DMD) The ”Try-stand-here-as-if-you-were-here” experience. Also known as the real estate trick.

Text adding

Over – IOS & Android, add text on photos
VONT, IOS – Text on videos

App's with multimedias

Thinglink, IOS and Android – Adding layers to your photos. You can add video or links on your photo.
Jamsnap, IOS (soon Android) – Adding audio/sound to your photo.
Explain Everything, IOS and Android – Draw and speak. Good for animations, where you can record while you are drawing.
Hyperlapse – IOS and Android – create polished timelapsed video on your smartphone by taking steady photos and combine them into a video.
Timelapse – automatically shoot still images at intervals which combines them into one movie.

App's for Multimedia Storytelling

Storehouse, IOS – create a multimedia story which combines video and photos.

Stellar (IOS and Android) – requires a plugin for both the maker and the user to watch it. It is presented as a book, through which you can swipe your way.

Storyo - IOS and Android – uses your album's photos to create small videos. It picks up the graphical locations and adds music to the video. (Which can be editted)

Smart Explaining Apps

LEGEND – IOS and Android - Animated texts – uses gif files to make graphic presentations.

Stop Motion App

Lego Stop Motion Studio, IOS (probably soon Android) – easy to make stop motion movies.

Quote App

Instaquote, IOS and Android– visual quotes which show ”Who said it?”.

Photo and Video Collage App

PICKPLAYPOST – IOS and Android – a great way to combine video and photos in the same framework.

This article was written based on the event: Multimediefortælling med og til smartphone