And we are off!

Thank you all for a great kick off this morning af Aarhus City Hall, with inspiring and motivating talks from our keynote speakers.

300 people arrived bright and early at Aarhus City Hall, for the Official Opening of Internet Week Denmark 2015. On top of it came the many people following the talks and speeches via livestreaming on the IWDK website.
The enthuisasm resulted in #IWDK trending as number 1 within an hour in Denmark on Twitter and many excellent points from the speakers were caught by tweeps. Check it out!

In case you missed the opening, we´ve gathered some highlights for you here:

  • The drone!
    Aarhus has a very courageous mayor. Last year he presented wearing Google Glass. This year his pseech notes were flown in by drone across the beautiful City Hall.
  • Whitewater kayaking
    John Seeley Brown painted us a picture of how the digital revolution and the fast paced world we live in has changed the way we live and work. 60 years ago we were told our careers should be like a steamship, on a fixed course come what may. 30 years ago we started navigating like a sailship, more in touch with our surroundings and easier to adjust to the terms of existence. Today we are whitewater kayaking! We are constantly adjusting to an ever-changing and ever-challenging world.
  • 5 years life expectancy
    We don´t have a fixed stock but are in a constant flow of new knowledge and skills. The game keeps changing, we are in multible networks and our skills risk being outdated every 5 years. John Seeley Brown warns us to keep playing and constantly develop new skills. Only by adjusting, improving and playing do we stay in the kayak.
  • The robots are here - but in hiding
    Martin Deinoff pointed out that though we may not see actual robots in the streets, our day-to-day life is heavily influenced by data and tech already. We use dropbox in our work, travel with Airbnb and get food delivered to our frontdoor via online services.
  • Own less, embrace more, perfect choices
    A mantra of Martin Deinoff, not just in business but in life. Sharing economy is on the rise because we are putting our need in focus, not our ability to own everything. We need to embrace more and make more services across traditional business platforms. It will save us time, money and energy. And we need to be more vocal and specific in our choices. Why choose one service over the other, are we really choosing the best?
  • We can all create without almost any cost
    April Rinne floored us with statistics from the fastest growing business - the sharing economy. The great difference is that we can all create, produce, sell, buy and rent without hardly any cost. This only possible because the digital revolution has taught us a people that we can create and contribute to the world by a simple click on the phone.
  • Resource utilization, decentralization and relationship & trust
    The principles behind sharing economies lean on our desire to use the things we own (an average car is used 1 hr pr day), our ability to act without a business as the middleman (we are the buyers, sellers and producers) and the basic need in humans to form relationships. April Rinne wants us to wake up and see the endless possibilities in sharing economies and the hastily growing urbanization. How do we share the ressources in the cities with an evergrowing population?

The official opening in under 2 minutes