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Make a killer pouch for your smart phone - litterally, or a fancy aluminum foil hat! You can also just drop by to join an interesting discussion about digital surveillance
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Day & Time:
Tuesday May 10
14:00 - 17:00
Wednesday May 11
14:00 - 17:00
Seats left:
Free for all
Caroline Holst Lundqvist, Aarhus University
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Key take-aways

  • Make a pouch for your smartphone that "kills" all signal
  • The possibitily to get clever, relaxed and/or paranoid about digital surveillance
  • Join the discussion about what we should do with our "digital double"
  • Find out if the aluminum foil hat actually works

We all have a digital double - it can enhance our capabilities and possibilities, help and guide us but it can also deceive and betray us. It can be an object for surveillance and a tool for businesses to target personalized content. The digital double is the collection of personal data that others and ourselves use and add too every single day.

In this combined workshop and small exhibition you will enter the discussion about our digital representation and how we are surveilled all the time when we are online. Should we care? How does our digital double affect our life?

The workshop: Make a pouch made of a special fabric you can store your smart phone in when you do not want to be tracked, surveilled and disturbed. It will work! The workshop is open for all and no registration is necessary. It will be held two times: Tuesday and Wednesday 14.00-17.00. The workshop is heavily inspired by Aram Bartholls' Killyourphone project.

Follow the event and possible updates through Facebook here!

I look forward to see you all for exciting discussions, pouch creations and production of fancy aluminum foil hats at DOKK1!

Caroline Holst Lundqvist

Digital Design Cand.It, Aarhus University
Currently working on my master thesis about digital surveillance and the digital double. I love to use materials and build stuff to make objects for discussion and new ideas!