Denmark has a lot of potential, but needs to be braver

That is the verdict after a panel debate took place Tuesday afternoon in Aarhussalen. Six committed participants, a humorous moderator and an energetic audience discussed Denmark’s place in the digital revolution.

Traditionally, Denmark has held a strong position in the digital development. Now, though, it seems that Denmark is losing its grip. According to The Digital Evolution Index, Denmark finds itself in the less desirable “stall out” category.

We have all the requisites

Ejvind Jørgensen does not panic and explains that Denmark has all the qualifications to climb the ranks again. Denmark has a solid foundation based on infrastructure, education and wealth so it is up to us to fulfill the potential. Ejvind Jørgensen pointed out the need for the public sector and the private sector to work together much more efficiently.

Risk of losing out

Christian Schwarz Laustsen spoke about how Denmark seems to have been resting on its laurels. And if we do not act, we will be left behind. Christian Schwarz Laustsen told that his visits to Nigeria have showed him how quickly the digital revolution unfolds in fast-growing countries.

User-friendly systems

Thomas Wittenburg called for more thoroughly thought out solutions in the digital area. Thomas Wittenburg illustrated his point with Rejsekortet which has been a cause of frustration for a lot of people. Karen Melchior added that the digital systems in the public sector seem to be designed for the administration and not for the citizens. Karen Melchior called for systems that are much more user-friendly.

From a horse to a tractor

Karsten Lumbye Jensen emphasized the need for a more innovative approach to the digitization. Karsten Lumbye Jensen is tired of streamlining and wants more revolutionary thinking: “When you go from a horse to a tractor, you should not treat the tractor as a new kind of horse. The tractor must be utilized to its full potential.” Karsten Lumbye Jensen’s final comment was a call for action and suggested that is a good place to start when wanting to make use of the vast digital opportunities.

This article was written based on the event: Denmark and the Digital Revolution - Do We Have the Courage?